Maidsway Cleaning Services Austin, TX

The Pains of Carpet Stains!

**The Agony of Carpet Stains!**

Ever spilled grape juice on a carpet? It’s like a nightmare! Carpets are magnets for stains, attracting spills quicker than a coyote to a roadrunner. Here’s the kicker: 70% of stains can be treated at home. Sprinkle some baking soda, let it sit like a sleepy cat, and then vacuum. Magic! Got a stubborn stain? Vinegar and water mix works wonders. Think of it as a secret potion. Spills need urgent attention or they seep in deep. Regular cleaning keeps carpets fresh as a daisy. Trust me, tackling stains efficiently saves coins and keeps your home snug as a bug.

Remove solid soils from carpet spills by gently scraping the material off with a spatula. Absorb wet spills by blotting them with white paper or cloth towels.

For older or tougher stains, pour peroxide onto the stain and cover it with a wet towel. Apply a hot iron set to “cotton” to the wet towel and hold it in place for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat over the area to transfer the stain to the towel. Take care not to burn the carpet and be sure to turn your face away from the iron’s raising steam.

carpet stain

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