Maidsway Cleaning Services Austin, TX

Pets Not Pests

Pets as Friends, Not as Nuisances.

Got fish? Clean your aquarium weekly. You do not need to remove the fish. Take these simple steps.

-Scrape algae off the inside of the glass walls with an algae scrubber or nonabrasive mitt. Also scrub rocks or decorations with algae. No need to remove them.

-Trim excess growth and dried leaves on live plants.

-Siphon off 15 to 20 percent of the water and replace it with clean tap water that’s been allowed to sit in an aquarium-use-only bucket for 24 hours.

-Use a vacuum cleaner that vacuums up decaying organic matter. Change the aquarium filter as recommended. Disconnect tubing and clean it with a filter brush.

Cleaning tips from

fish tank

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