Maidsway Cleaning Services Austin, TX

How to Mop like a Professional

The Comprehensive Guide to Mopping!

What if I told that everything is not as it seems when it comes to floors? Everything you have been taught about mopping is wrong? I’m crazy you’d say! Well bring on the crazy! In this post you will learn hot to mop like a professional.  Today we are going to cover proper floor mopping tools, techniques, and secrets from the pros. Today we will probably smash a few misconceptions many people carry!

Allow me the pleasure of introducing you to your newest “best” friend in the battle against dirty floors! The flat head microfiber mop. That’s right! It’s time to toss out every other floor mop you have ever owned and you’ll soon know exactly why!

This floor mop is what the pros use in almost every case and there’s many reasons why. First and foremost it’s hands down the safest mop to use on any type of water sensitive flooring such as hardwood and laminate. Here’s why: you take the individual microfiber heads (only as many as you need for the job!) and soak them in mop water. Then quickly hand wring to damp, and use the velcro system on the back of the mop head to attach the microfiber. As soon as it is dirty you replace it with another clean head and keep mopping floor. When finished simply wash all the mop heads on a normal laundry load.

Austin house cleaning mopped floor

WARNING: Industry trade secrets and tips below!

How to mop like a professional:

PRO TIP: Prepare your floors first! Otherwise you are just pushing around dirt from one grout line or groove to the next! We recommend a good sweeping and a quick once over with a hand held canister vacuum. But really any vacuum can be employed here.

1. Prepare mop water in empty bucket. Our favorites for hardwood floors are Murphy’s Wood Oil. Be sure to follow proper dilution. For tile and laminate and other natural stone we use the favorite of millions of households: good old Pine Sol (love that smell!), again at the proper dilution. Using extra cleaning solutions can make the floors sticky and require a second rinse, so read carefully!

PRO TIP: Always use cold water! Just a quick glance here will explain why, here’s the lowdown for you. Hot water can make the work even harder by spreading grease and oils, and most floor cleaners now use surfectants that work just as well or better cold!

2. Take your mop heads (most homes require 3-6 for light soil levels) and soak them in the mix for a few minutes. Next, hand roll in half like a sushi roll looks. Finally, twisting hard to get most of the solution out. A great test is to drop the mop head on the floor. If it splatters water, it’s too wet still, keep wringing!

3. You need to mop yourself “into” somewhere, so plan in advance, the stairs or master room is a great place to finish you don’t track back over damp floors. Place your extra mop heads here as well so you aren’t walking back over mopped areas to get to more heads later.

4. Once the plan is in place, move to the furthest area you will be mopping from. Then begin mopping at the ending point all the way to the exit.

PRO TIP: DO NOT use the push/pull method as this will just move any dirt and dust into corners and under trim. Start in one area and use a figure 8 motion with your starting point facing you and your back to the end point like so:

Check mop often and when contaminants and dirt are seen, quickly switch mop heads!

5. For any hard to clean spots, use your foot to apply extra pressure on the middle of mop head. Then while centered over tough spot, a little leg power will get off most of these trouble spots!

6. Enjoy your amazing floors!

For those of you that enjoy a homemade green cleaner like the one we use at Maidsway, see our recipe below:
Homemade Floor Cleaner (safe on all surfaces, test small area of any natural stone first, like with any new cleaner!):

Mix in bucket:

1 Gallon Tap Water
3 Cups of White Vinegar
2 Cups Isopropyl Alcohol
1/8 teaspoon of dish soap (We love Dawn!)
15 drops of your favorite essential oils!

Mix well, and enjoy your amazing, green cleaned floors!

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