Maidsway Cleaning Services Austin, TX

Golden Rules of Dusting

The Essential Guidelines for Dusting

Spills and stains are generally much easier to clean up when you attack them right away. When you treat that tomato sauce splatter on your dress shirt without delay, for instance, it offers little resistance.

If you wait until the next day, you’ll be sporting a permanent-looking red polka dot that you’ll expend a lot more cleaning solution and time getting out. Similarly, clothing or carpet stains are easiest to remove when they’re fresh. The longer you wait, the more chance the stain has to set. Thats why Maidsway gives you the The Essential Guidelines for Dusting.

The rare exception to this rule: Mud tracked onto your carpet is easiest to clean when you’ve let it dry first. Wait until it’s bone dry and crumbly; then just vacuum it up.

  • Always work from the top down, and then vacuum the dust that settles to the floor. Don’t just dust the places you can see but the places you can’t. When doing a thorough cleaning, include the tops of doors, walls, molding, ceiling fans, window treatments, and even lightbulbs (when lights are off and bulbs are cool).
  • Instead of dusting around items such as collectibles, books, and telephones, move them aside and get underneath. When dusting a flat surface, move the cloth smoothly from one end to the other, stopping at the end. Don’t flick the cloth, or dust will merely be released back into the air before settling on the floor, instead of getting trapped by your cloth.
  • Avoid dusting sprays, or use them sparingly. They contain oily substances that actually attract more dust. They also build up over time, and can damage a finish. On wood, dust in the direction of the grain.

The Essential Guidelines for Dusting

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