Treating Pet Stains

Treating Pet Stains

In this article, we discuss how acting quickly on pet stains could save your carpet. When left untreated, pet urine can cause permanent discoloration to carpet fibers, especially those that are beige. The remedy to efficiently handle pet stains is to find and blot fresh stains immediately they happen, using a clean, white piece of cloth. After absorbing as much liquid as you can, make use of a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of clear dish soap mixed with 1 cup of tepid water, and blot once more with another fresh, dry towel. Conclude the procedure by blotting with a towel that’s been moistened with lukewarm water.

Continue alternating with a soapy towel and a clean, damp towel until the stain is gone. Follow up with an enzymatic product designed for pet stains, such as Nature’s Miracle. The enzymes break down stains and remove odors that might be undetectable to you but that can attract your pet to the same area again.

For stale stains, treat with the enzymatic cleaner. If odor persists, call a professional carpet cleaner to treat the carpet. In extreme cases, the carpet and paddling underneath (and sometimes even the subfloor) will need to be replaced.


Treating pet stains


Pour the liquid solution on the baking soda and the stain. Gently rub the area with a soft-bristled brush or cloth. Let it sit for 10 minutes (longer if the vomit has dried.) Use a towel to remove as much liquid as possible, then vacuum the area.

Pet Stain Remover With Oxiclean

  • 2 cups warm water
  • two tablespoons Oxiclean
  • 1 tsp. Dawn Original dish soap

Pet Stain Remover Without Oxiclean

  • 2 warm water cups
  • 2 tablespoons washing soda
  • 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide
  • a tsp. Dawn Original dish soap